

Having the village in my heart while facing the beauty of the world.

Having a more beautiful or protected childhood than I had seems almost impossible. I grew up in saxony (in “wild” eastern Germany), Langenreinsdorf. Langenreinsdorf is a village located close to the “big” Crimmitschau near Leipzig. Well you as a reader might know Leipzig – but I’m sure you don’t know  Langenreinsdorf. I’m also sure that you don’t know the farm that I’ve been growing up at. But this doesn’t matter because beautiful Langenreinsdorf brought me to where I am know – Copenhagen. For how long I will stay in breathtaking Denmark? Well only the wind knows the answer. But in this Blog I’ll talk about how I came here and what kind of adventures I’ve experienced on my way. Life is beautiful and my story is anything but boring. And right now you are a part of it. I’m happy to welcome you as my reader.


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